'I Welcome Refugees' is a campaign by Amnesty International that our LUU group took part in for the last couple of years and it is one very close to our hearts. We have had members whose families have seen first hand the impact of becoming a refugees and speaking to those affected has made us even more inspire to share Amnesty's message.

[Image: Andrea Loftus]
We Welcome
If the grains
sit together
idly aware of their
Faint shimmers of the
form they once were
Are they the same?
From a distance they look
the same
But their colours vary
distinct and melding
Their histories blue yet
here they are,
unsure of which shore
washes in a new wave of their
Sediments of a land
they no longer call
Do their tired soles
erode you further
like they warn?
Or do they push
binding you all at once
The coasts are not clear if these
nautical islands
that crash into us are figures of
not stories to
We are grains of society too
Their gradients differ but our materials
craft their place we call
this spherical stone
we have rubbed to the
When are we going to learn
we were never alone.