LGBT Foundation – Trans advocacy service
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How does advocacy work?
Advocates can offer support by:
Providing you with the information you need to understand your rights, make informed decisions and access the different avenues of support available to you
Helping you to explore your options and develop the skills and confidence you need to navigate services
Empowering you to speak and, in complex cases, speaking with the third party organization on your behalf, in order to advocate for the protection of your rights. This can include attending advocacy focused meetings within the Manchester area.
TransUnite - This directory is a comprehensive resource for people in the UK searching for support in the transgender community
Trans Support Groups is a site which lists Local, National and International Support Groups and Clubs.
BeyondReflections - The mental wellbeing charity for trans, non-binary and questioning adults, their family and friends across England and Wales
Mental Health Support Services
MindLine Trans+ is a confidential emotional, mental health support helpline for people who identify as Transgender, Agender, Gender Fluid, Non-binary. They are also here to support family members and friends and to provide signposting to other services and resources.
LGBT Switchboard - They offer a safe space for anyone to discuss anything, including sexuality, gender identity, sexual health and emotional well-being.We support people to explore the right options for themselves.
Pink Therapy Directory - An online directory of therapists of all sexualities and gender identities who work with gender and sexual diversity clients across the LGBTIQ spectrum from a non-judgmental standpoint.
Please message us for further support - @leedsuniamnesty
